Middle School
Our academic program offers rigorous and competitive courses and learning opportunities. All objective measures indicate we meet or exceed public and private schools in our area. We desire to be a place that will come alongside parents, a place that will nurture a young person’s faith instead of demean it. We are a place that can meet a child’s academic, athletic, artistic and social needs without ignoring or marginalizing their spiritual needs as Christians. Chapelgate is a Christian school and is a place where young people can grow in every way.
The academic program includes: English & Reading, Science, and Social Studies/History. There are elective offerings in band, chorus, art, French and Spanish. Recommended middle school students may take Spanish I, French I and high school level math. We desire to prepare our middle school students to be successful in our rigorous high school program.
Spiritual Growth
Chapel is an opportunity for our students, staff & faculty to pause in their week and gather to worship God together. This time is used for other purposes to train, instruct and uplift one another. This is a refreshing experience for all and has led many young people into service in their church communities in the music and technical side of worship leading.
Extra Curricular Activities
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Co-ed Cross-Country
Co-ed Soccer
Boys Basball
Girls Lacrosse
Extra Curricular Activities
Book Clubs
Robotics Clubs
Rocket Club
African American Awareness Club