Here at Chapelgate we value our time in Chapel together. This is an opportunity for our students, staff & faculty to pause in their week and gather to worship God together. This time is used for other purposes to train, instruct and uplift one another. This is a refreshing experience for all and has led many young people into service in their church communities in the music and technical side of worship leading.
Spiritual Life
About the Scriptures
We believe that God inspired men to pen the unfolding drama of Redemption, beginning with Creation, and extending to the life, ministry and work of Jesus, and the continuing narrative of His work through the Church until He returns. The Bible is holy and ultimately the revelation of Jesus Himself, contained in its 66 books. And it is complete, that is, there is no needed further revelation beyond what God has revealed in the scriptures.
About God
We believe that God exists in a mysterious union of three Persons, though He is one. We can’t fully comprehend this, but the scriptures clearly teach that within this ‘Tri-Personal’ God (C.S. Lewis first used this term), Father, Son and Holy Spirit coexist equally and eternally, and together participate in all things from Creation to Redemption.
About Jesus
Jesus is more than an historical figure. He is has existed in eternity as God, and has entered into history as man (born of the virgin, Mary). His purpose in coming into the world was to live a perfectly holy life, and then to die an undeserved death in atonement for the sins of the world. Three days later, He rose from the grave. Later He ascended into heaven, with the promise to one day return and make all things new. By the sacrificial offering of His life, those who flee to Him in faith discover Him to be the One True Savior, Redeemer and Friend. We worship Him as King and Lord.
As a Christian school, we desire that students at Chapelgate Christian Academy know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, grow in Christ, and find freedom in the gospel. We seek to be a community that embraces healing, renewal, and peace in Christ. There are age-appropriate opportunities for students to engage with their faith and spiritual journey at CCA. In Lower School, students have bi-weekly chapel services that include worship, prayer, testimonies, small group discussions, and guest speakers. Educators in the Lower School are intentional about teaching Bible stories and content throughout their academic curriculums. Our Upper School students have a number of ways to hear the Word of God, wrestle with hard questions, have spirit-filled conversations, and grow as a community. Some opportunities for our Upper School students include bi-weekly chapel meetings, Bible classes, retreats, service opportunities, mission trips, small group discussions, prayer, and discipleship.